Are the financial planners worth the cost.
The fancy term that could be found in wall street in again fancy article written by some MIT grad on how to invest in NYSE.! Hold your horses dear, every one in this changing world with some money to spare and some to invest required a planner and fancy term is know as "Financial Planner'. So the deal is your liability is equals to your assets, this mean to leverage your credit in market if you have your total assets i.e. House, property and all that must be equals to loan you have on your head,,! Hmm. Sound little bit uneasy,... but is it really that hard? Think again that is how the businessman all over the world make their finance work and leverage the financial world. Exactly to understand how this works you must have a financial planner. But one question always run in mind that if financial planner is able to tell me how to manage my money then why in the hell those guys (financial planner) are not reach? Oh boy..! Entrepreneur are risk takers and they go over th...