Introduction to cloud for your efficient business management, cloud services for business solution around the globe, Cloud services is consist of two main services wiz 1. Cloud Computing 2. Cloud storage. Now you don’t need to buy heavy machine for your business need, cloud computing technology is available with computing power as well as software ready, you don’t need to buy servers, softwares or IT team to manage and maintain on premises machines. Google cloud will do it for you. Second part is storage: where you can store your all business data in safe and secure servers manage and maintain by clouds servers. These servers are efficient and more faster than on premises arrangement, plus you don’t need to maintain them. Third part is you will pay as much as you use only, so here is cost saving if you don’t use it don’t pay for it. How to start? There are three services mainly SaaS, Paas & IaaS. for you line of business SaaS is most suitable services to begin with....
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