
Showing posts from November, 2017
If you are a startup ? comment bellow about your product / service, email & website. I am looking for solution for my business with open possibilities with cost effective solution you may provide us.

Are Indian companies safe against the cyber security?

Are Indian companies safe against the cyber security? where we stand in rating in compliance to save Indian Start ups? With these question in mind one really think and show concern about Indian startups IT companies, India Fintech companies and all those companies who are vulnerable to cyber attack executed from foreign land to India. According to a report by Bengaluru-based cyber-security startup FireCompass, the online fintech startups scored eight out of 100 as per security benchmark. The report said that Indian organisations across different sectors on an average scored around 50 out of 100 in the survey, in which large banks emerged as the best performer with a compliance percentage of 61. With need in India market and there is lack of availability of companies to take care of these issues, As Mr. Krishnashree Achuthan, CEO of Amrita University’s Technology Business Incubator (TBI) correctly mention that there are more than 4,000 startups in the country today, but less t...

An Initiative to safeguard Indian companies against Cyber Bully!

Problem: Indian Start up companies being targeted intentionally to: hurt goodwill, miss directing information and crating bad company review on forums and discussion channels. This has challenged our Government's ability to provide safety and security about cyberspace miss conduct. It has become inevitable for us to ask very vital questions like: Does it have direct impact on business generated in India? What plan and strategy do we need to have? How to improve the genuine reviews and remarks make them accountable. What is the economic impact on growth of Indian Start up? Modi’s Digital India initiative and Indian startup dilemma? With security of Indian companies in cyberspace POM has initiated “National Cyber Security Coordinator” in 2014 but lack of serious efforts to restrict the data flow made Indian conscious mind to ask questions. Indian companies worked hard to build reputation in domestic and international market, shall we let this reputation and hard work go in v...